This may seem a large quantity of mushrooms, but they do boil down considerably.
——柯林斯例句Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money.
辞典例句It will boil down to these young ones, you know?
它将会使这些年轻人陷入激动, 你知道 吗 ?
互联网In all, they boil down to ten problems, or ten major relationships.
综合起来, 一共有十个问题, 也就是十大关系.
互联网Most political rows and scandals boil down to oil or gas.
互联网They boil down to one phrase: freedom of religious belief.
归纳为一句话就是: 宗教信仰自由.
互联网All the facts boil down to a clear case of fraud.
互联网All the contradictions existing in industrial enterprises today boil down to scanty economic returns.
互联网Boil down the soup until it gets thicker. I don't like thin soup.
把汤熬浓, 我不喜欢稀汤.
《简明英汉词典》The scientist will boil down the remaining liquids, to find an answer.
这个科学家将把剩余液体煮浓, 找出结论.
互联网The teacher asked me to boil down the report into one page.
互联网Boil down the passage to about two hundred words.
互联网The plums in the pan will boil down in a short time.
互联网Please boil down these document for me.
互联网Boil down the article to a few sentences.
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